Wildlife photographs from around the world. Hover over each picture to read the story

The male in the right of this photo was trailing some way behind the pride when I came across them. It soon became clear that the big male, his father, had decided it was time for him to leave. Mum, in the background was less keen. The moment captured here was the last time I saw them close together and the youngster was soon out on his own. It can be a hard life for a male lion once they leave the pride and have to hunt on their own!

This image was captured while this golden eagle chick was being run through a health check by ‘Raptor Health Scotland’

Found this lazy leopard mid morning not far from Mombo camp, deep in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. She was very busy lazing in a tree, daydreaming the things that leopards dream about, and looking as graceful as leopards always do!

This beautiful white tailed eagle flew off the nest as we approached with the Scottish Raptor monitoring group, flying around us watching to see that its chicks were safe.

It’s a long story, and one I enjoy telling after a couple of beers by the camp fire, but this lad almost had an easy meal of a careless lion researcher.

Backlit lioness. It was spring in the Okavango when I captured this image. The sun was catching in the grass, having just dried the dew, and was backlighting this lioness, bringing out her character and the atmosphere.